The Pen & Paper Campaign

Science says:

The more you write,
the better it is for your brain.

Moleskine firmly believes in the power of pen and paper to unleash human genius, a belief that experts have long supported. To share the scientifically proven brain-boosting benefits of writing, we created the Pen & Paper Campaign: the first ever entirely hand-drawn ad campaign, launched first in Milan where Moleskine was born and soon to be rolled out in other cities around the world. To stay on-message, all the posters were created by hand, one by one, by Moleskine staff and by a group of local university students.

The Pen & Paper Campaign
The Pen & Paper Campaign

The Posters

Discover the benefits of writing and doodling on paper.

Our mission has always been to promote the potential of paper in our lives. These posters reference numerous studies which prove that writing by hand aids faster learning, memory retention and developing linear thinking. Thanks to the scientists and scholars who generously allowed us to share their work, we see that the simple act of putting pen to paper helps our brains work better.

Great news for students

Boost your studies and up your grades.
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Great news for your mind

Find focus, improve your memory and reduce anxiety.

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